

We leverage advanced analytics and automation to optimize learning experiences. We cater to diverse needs, fostering innovation and academic success.
What we do
We use our tech know-how to tackle topics like

Modernizing educational delivery models

Assist education institutions in revamping their operational models to adapt to digital learning environments, enhance student engagement, and implement innovative teaching methodologies leveraging technology.


Ensuring value in large-scale ed-tech projects

We help education organizations mitigate risks and optimize the delivery of large-scale technology initiatives by adopting agile project management methodologies, conducting thorough value-assurance assessments, and ensuring alignment with organizational goals.


Updating educational systems and processes

We partner with education institutions to design and implement future-proof functional and technical architectures, leveraging technologies such as learning management systems (LMS), educational apps, and data analytics to enhance student outcomes, streamline administrative processes, and foster personalized learning experiences.

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Examples of our work
Education organizations that have augmented their capital
Top universities in Colombia
Universidad de los Andes
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Health startup
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